3 marble color patterns
In-house artisans
5 forms, 17 styles
SPI Hand Painted
  • In-house artisans
  • 3 marble color patterns
  • 5 forms, 17 styles
3 Patterns

At A Glance

Choose from our large collection of Globes, Cylinders, Bowls, Sconces, and Drums




Hand Painted Pendant
Hand Painted Globes
Abrams Pendant
Cambridge Pendant
Canby Pendant
Chatham Pendant
Clayton Pendant
Dublin Pendant
Dublin 2-Bowl Chandelier
Dublin 4-Bowl Chandelier
Elba Pendant
Elba Pendant Aircraft Cables
London Pendant
London 2-Bowl Chandelier
London 4-Bowl Chandelier
Madrid Pendant
Madrid 2-Bowl Chandelier
Madrid 4-Bowl Chandelier
Minsk Pendant
Minsk 2-Bowl Chandelier
Minsk 4-Bowl Chandelier
Paris Pendant
Paris 2-Bowl Chandelier
Paris 4-Bowl Chandelier
Pavo 2" Pendant
Pavo 2" Horizontal
Pavo 4" Pendant
Pavo 6" Pendant
Pavo 8", 10", 12" Pendant
Pavo Square 4" Pendant
Pavo Square 6" Pendant
Stockholm Pendant
Stockholm (2) Bowl Chandelier
Stockholm (4) Bowl Chandelier
Vienna Pendant
Vienna 2-Bowl Chandelier
Vienna 4-Bowl Chandelier
Hand Painted Sconce
Chatham Wall
Dublin Wall
Dublin BOA Wall
Elba Wall
Newhouse Wall
Osage Opal Wall
London Wall
London BOA Wall
Madrid BOA Wall
Minsk Wall
Minsk BOA Sconce
Montgomery Wall
Paris BOA Wall
Pavo 2" Wall
Stockholm Wall
Stockholm BOA Wall
Vienna Wall
Vienna BOA Wall
Hand Painted Ceiling
Clayton Ceiling
Dublin Ceiling
London Ceiling
Madrid Ceiling
Minsk Ceiling
Newhouse Ceiling
Paris Ceiling
Stockholm Ceiling
Vienna Ceiling